Clubs are cultural venues and provide space for self-development. They are integral to Berlin’s culture.
Our candidate Louis fights for an open Berlin! Fully committed to genuine self-determination and equal rights.
More and more youth and left spaces are being evicted or are threatened with displacement. Young people need them to thrive!
No profits by renting! – We support the referendum „Deutsche Wohnen & Co enteignen“.
Human rights are non-negotiable! Berlin is a safe haven for everyone which is why we reject deportations on principle.
Fight sexism structurally at last, including in administration and state-owned companies.
School for everyone: democratic, collaborative and inclusive!
Our future must become renewable in our very generation.
Fill parliament with young people – let’s show Berlin how politics is done for our generation
We fight for progressive politics and left majorities in a city for everyone!
Ein klimaneutrales Berlin
Gleiche Bildungschancen
Eine offene Gesellschaft
Starken Queer*Feminismus
Eine antifaschistische Innenpolitik
Bezahlbares Wohnen
Als GRÜNE JUGEND Berlin kämpfen wir für eine gerechtere Zukunft für alle!
Wir wollen die Perspektivlosigkeit und den Stillstand beenden!
Bei dir im Bezirk - BVV!
In deinem Bezirk gibt es viel zu wenige Jugendzentren, Parks oder Clubs? Stattdessen teure Mieten und schlechte Fahrradwege?